- Appointment of CFO
- Intimation-to-physical-shareholder-3rd-reminder
- Intimation-to-physical-shareholder-second-reminder
- ImportantNoticeShareholders-MSL
- Outcome of the Meeting of Independent Directors
- ScrutinizerReport-2019
- Voting Results-2019
- Resignation of CS Paresh Parmar from 01/08/2019
- Appointment of CS of Mr. Darshan V. Mehta from 19/10/2019
- Disclosure-of-Reg.30(2)-MSL-22/feb/2020
- Scrutinizer-Report-AGM-2019-2020
- Votingresult_Report_MSL_21.8.2020
- Announcement of Demise of Promoter of the Company
- Scrutinizer Report 2022-23 of 29th AGM held on 26.09.2023
- Voting Results 2022-23 of 38th AGM held on 26.09.2023